01/2015 |
Dangerous Goods Carried by Passengers in Aircraft
02/2015 |
Flight Crew Pre-Flight External Check
03/2015 |
Procedures for Recognition & Reporting of Suspected Communicable Diseases
04/2015 |
Safety of Civil Aircraft Operating in the ACCRA FIR
01/2017 |
Ground de-/anti-icing of aeroplanes; Intake/fan-blade icing and effects of fluid residues on flight controls
02/2017 |
Safety precautions regarding the transport by air by passengers of portable electronics devices containing lithium batteries
01/2019 |
Operations in or near conflict zones
02/2019 |
Ebola epidemic in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
01/2020 |
Aircraft Tracking Missed Position Report
02/2020 |
Coronavirus Outbreak
03/2020 |
Carriage of Dangerous Goods – General Approval (Coronavirus Outbreak)
04/2020 |
General Exemption (Coronavirus Outbreak)
01/2021 |
Safety of Civil Aircraft Operating in Airspace under the Authority of The Republic of South Sudan
02/2021 |
Vaccination of Aviation Safety Personnel (COVID-19 Pandemic)
03/2021 |
Pitot and Static Port Blockage
01/2022 |
Analysis of Safety Data (01/2022)
01/2023 |
Analysis of Safety Data (01/2023)
Download Presentation (size 100mb)
02/2023 |
Global Navigation Satellite System Disturbance
01/2024 |
Analysis of Safety Data
02/2024 |
GNSS Signal Disruption
04/2024 |
Airspace of Lebanon
05/2024 |
Airspace of Israel