San Marino, RSM 10:42 am, Oct 22 17°C

    National Civil Aviation Security Programme

    Each airport operator, commercial air transport operator and entity that implement aviation security regulations must establish, implement and mantain up-to-date a security programme in order to guarantee compliance with both CAR SEC and the National Civil Aviation Security Programme.

    The National Civil Aviation Security Programme of the Italian Republic, as required by Annex 17 to the ICAO Convention, shall apply to the Republic of San Marino.

    The Authority shall be invited to meetings of the italian security committee (CISA) in respect to the safeguarding of civil aviation operations against acts of unlawful interference affecting the Republic of San Marino.


    Every commercial air transport operator shall establish, implement and maintain an up-to-date written security programme that meets the requirements of CAP 33 (available on request).

    The programme must describe the methods and procedures that the commercial air transport operator follows to comply with the provisions of CAR SEC and, in addition, the provisions of the National Civil Aviation Security Programme of the Member State from which it conducts air transport services. The programme must also include provisions related to internal quality control that describe how the commercial air transport operator ensures compliance with these methods and procedures.

    The security programme of a San Marino commercial air transport operator is subject to the Authority approval.

    The Authority will recognise the security programme of a foreign commercial air transport operator if the competent authority of the State that issued the operating licence (or equivalent) to the commercial air transport operator certifies the security programme complies with the provisions from ICAO Annex 17.

    The above does not prejudice the right of the Authority to request the foreign commercial air transport operator to adopt further security measures.


    Every general aviation operator, using aircraft with a MTOW above 5700 Kg, and every aerial work operator should establish, implement and maintain an up-to-date written security programme that meets the requirements of CAP 33 (available on request).

    The programme must describe the methods and procedures that the general aviation or aerial work operator should follow to comply with the provisions of CAR SEC and of the National Civil Aviation Security Programme of the Member State from which it carries out the air transport services. The programme must also include provisions related to internal quality control that describe how the general aviation or aerial work operator ensures compliance with these methods and procedures.