San Marino, RSM 10:59 pm, Feb 16 3°C

Pilatus PC-24 Type Certificate Acceptance

Pilatus has obtained type certificates from the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and the US-American Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for the first ever Swiss business jet. 

Subsequently, these Type Certificates has been accepted by the Civil Aviation Authority of San Marino.  The first aircraft was delivered to a Swiss businessman, in 2019 there three more PC-24 confirmed to be registered in San Marino. 

Certification of the Super Versatile Jet prepares the ground for initial customer deliveries, which will see the PC-24 business jet take off from Central Switzerland for its entry on the global market. For Pilatus, one of the keys of the successful entry into service of the PC-24 is the ability to protect the residual value of the aircraft. With the PC-12 the company has managed to do that, with the aircraft retaining much of its value in any later sales.